MedOne Academy

Medical Expertise in One Place

Is a universal academy that connects you with the elites in medical fields, bridges the gaps between academia and practice, and keeps your information and skills up to date.
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احجز استشارتك الآن واكتشف مسارك الصحيح في عالم البحث العلمي

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 برنامج بحثي فريد من نوعه في العالم العربي:

International Research Mentorship Program

from Idea to Publication .. Step by Step!

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 برنامج بحثي فريد من نوعه في العالم العربي:

International Research Mentorship Program

from Idea to Publication .. Step by Step!

With funding of $20,000 by MedOne Academy

My Courses

Our Courses


Talal Ibrahim, MD

Pediatric orthopedician
Sidra Medicine and Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar

Monther Qandeel, MD

Radiology Consultant
University of Chicago Medicine, USA

Tareq Altamimi, MD

Orthopedic Consultant
Private Clinic, Jordan

Mutasem Taha, Prof.

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Univeristy of Jordan, Jordan

Kamel Hatahet, MD

North Kansas City Hospital, USA

Suleiman Al Ashi, MD

Endocrinology Fellow, University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida, USA

 Iyad Sultan, MD

Chairman, Pediatric Oncologist, Chief Health Informatics Officer, and Head of Artificial intelligence & Data innovation Office, King Hussein Cancer Center, Jordan

Tariq Massad, PhD, PMP

Vice President, Eurofins CDMO, Canada

Iyad Al-Ammouri, Prof

 Professor of Pediatric Cardiology,the University of Jordan, Jordan

Ziad Alaani , MD

Neurology hospitalist/ Neurophysiology
Advocate Aurora South Suburban Hospital, USA

Tariq Alhijjawi, MD

Private clinic , Jordan

Yasser Kehail, MS

Industrial Biotechnologist
Bioprocess Group

Walid Mohammed Aly, MD

Senior Anaesthetist, FANZCA
Melbourne, Australia

Ahmed Abdelwahab, MD

Mercy Health - Melbourne - Australia

Eyad Qunaibi, Prof

Lecturer and researcher in Pharmacology

 Wesam Shamma,MD

Consultant Radiologist
Islamic Hospital, Jordan

Basel Assaf, BVSc, PhD

BVSc, Diplomate ACVP
Distinguished Scientist - Preclinical Safety
Sanofi, USA

Mohamed Sabry ElNabtiti, MD

Lecturer of Anatomy and Embryology Faculty of medicine, Zagazig university, Egypt

Saleh Allababidi, Ph.D. R.Ph.

Associate Teaching Professor College of Pharmacy
University of Rhode Island
Director of Formulation and CMC, LAPIX Therapeutics, Boston, MA, USA

Omar Abu Naba'a, MD

Hospialist, Internal Medicine Consultant
Stormont Vail Healthcare, Topeka, KS, USA

Tarek Alsaied, M.D., F.A.C.C. M.Sc

Pediatric Cardiologist and Advanced Cardiac Imager
Director Fontan Management Program
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Walid Alhabashy, MD

Consultant in Anaesthesia and ICU, UK
Director of Saving lives Academy

Saleem Al-Nuaimi, MD

Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
University of Alberta, Canada.

Abdo Mahli, PhD

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Muhammad Shehadeh, DDS, DMD. 

Oral Surgeon, Germany

Ahmed El-Gewaily, Pharmacist

Artificial Intelligence & OTC Trainer, Egypt
— About us

MedOne is a new online universal academy

MedOne is a new online universal medical academy. It targets Health care professionals, fresh graduates, and students in Medicine and Pharmacy.
MedOne has several purposes:
  • Bridging the gap between the university classes and real-life practice
  • Providing a platform for the elites of medical and pharmaceutical academics and practitioners, through which they can convey their knowledge and skills to Arabic-speaking healthcare specialists and students.
  • Providing continuous high-quality medical and paramedical education.
— MedOne Vision and Mission
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What distinguishes MedONE Academy?

Advance your career

Ultimate Distance Training

Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional. Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skills you need to become a real professional and thrive in your career.