Get charged to start your career journey with our meeting:
Career Advancement Rx for Medical professional: Tips  for CV Writing, Specialty Selection, and Job Interview Strategies

ارتقِ بمهنتك كطبيب: كتابة السيرة الذاتية، واختيار التخصص، واستراتيجيات المقابلة الوظيفية

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  • Lecturers  Walid Alhabashy, Britain
                       Walid Ali, Australia
                       Kamel Hatahet, USA
  • Live Sessions
    1.5 hours
  • Audience
    GPs, Interns, Residents.

Lecture Access

What are the topics of the meeting? 

1. Tips on writing a professional CV that increases job opportunities

2. Fundamentals of Job interview

3. Tips and tricks for Job interviews

4. How to choose a specialty suitable for you

5. Career in Anesthesia

What is the purpose of this meeting?
Join us for an enlightening session tailored for ambitious medical professionals. This meeting bridges the gap between medical academia and the global job market, offering invaluable insights from renowned doctors based in Australia, England, and the USA. Get enlightened into crafting compelling CVs, uncover strategies to excel in your job interviews, and gain clarity on choosing the medical specialty that aligns with your passion and aspirations. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, network, and prepare for the next big step in your career."
Write your awesome label here.

Walid Alhabashy, MD

Anaesthesia and ICU consultant, MBBCh, MSc, MD, EDIC, EDAIC, CABAIC, FCAI, CCEeXAM, PG Dip. HCSPS, Dorset County Hospital, Dorset, UK.
2020-Earned the national board of critical care echocardiography, USA.
2020-Earned the Diploma of Healthcare simulation and patient safety, NUI, Galway, Ireland.
2018-Finished MD in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Tanta university, Egypt.
2017- Earned the Fellowship of the College of Anaesthetist of Ireland. 2015-Earned Certificate of Arab Board in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.
2015-Earned European Diploma in Anaesthesia and Intensive care medicine (EDAIC).
2013-Earned European Diploma in Intensive care medicine
2006- Finished his master’s degree in Anaesthesia and surgical ICU. 2000- Earned his Medical Degree
Special Skills, Innovations and Interests:
His clinical research interests focus on “Point of care critical care ultrasonography and Echocardiography”.
Founder and CEO of Saving Lives Academy, for more info. about the academy, please visit
Author of Critical care Echocardiography handout.

Walid Aly, MD

Senior Anaesthetist, FANZCA, Melbourne, Australia
Dr Walid Aly is a Specialist Anaesthetist and Director of The Australian Dental Anaesthetic Group, the leaders of Sleep Dentistry in Victoria.
About Dr Aly
As an Anaesthetist, Dr Walid Aly is a medical specialist who helps you through your operation. Dr Aly is an Australian doctor who is officially recognised as a consultant in the specialty of anaesthesia. Dr Aly is also a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.

Kamel Hatahet, MD

Nephrologist, North Kansas City Hospital, USA
Internal medicine residency at Temple University In Philadelphia.

Nephrology fellowship at Temple university In Philadelphia.

Practiced as a consultant in Maryland, and currently practicing in Kansas.

Been medical director for multiple incenter dialysis programs and home dialysis programs in both Maryland and Kansas. 

Special interest nephro-critical care field and transplant nephrology.