A Modern Course 

Cell and Gene Therapy

This course equips medical professionals and students with up-to-date knowledge on cell and gene therapy, in addition to tissue-engineered products, enhancing their ability to understand and apply innovative treatments for genetic, cancer, and immune disorders among others. . 

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👇🏻 تقييمات المشتركين في الدورة أسفل هذا القسم  

Recorded Videos

5 hours

Text material

90 pages

 Free Samples

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Accredited by British CPD

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ماذا قال المشتركون عن دورة
"Cell and Gene Therapy"؟

د. محمد شتوي

الدورة أكثر من مرضية و المعلومات مفيدة جدا على المستوى العلمي و العملي .. أمارس هذا العمل منذ سنوات لكن بعد الدورة الأمر اختلف للأفضل بشكل رائع .. المحاضر أكثر من رائع فنوعية المحاضرين مثله قليل جدا .. محاضر يصنع الفارق بما أنعم الله عليه من تمكن و تواضع

د. محمد الباسوني

دورة مفيدة جدا شكرا جزيلا للدكتور وجزاه الله الخير كان يشرح ويعطي امثلة ليبسط المعلومة قدر المستطاع والشرح كان مفيد جدا.

د. محمد بده

كورس u/s guided technique أكثر من رائع يستحق خمسين نجمه‎

They said about Dr. Ahmed

Dr Babak Gharaei
FANZCA - Anesthesia Consultant

Collaborating with Dr. Abdolwahab is truly an honor for me. He is an exceptionally knowledgeable, confident, and highly skilled physician, particularly in the field of regional anesthesia. With his vast experience, he is adept at providing professional guidance and training to his colleagues in the field

Dr Shaka Agarwal
FRCA - Anesthesia Consultant 
United kingdom

Working alongside Dr Ahmed AbdelWahab I've witnessed their exceptional skill and expertise in regional anesthesia. His precise technique and compassionate approach ensure patient comfort and safety throughout procedures. Ahmed consistently demonstrates a thorough understanding of regional anaesthesia principles and anatomy, adapting techniques to meet individual patient needs.

Dr Maleck LOUIS

Anaesthesia Trainee

Dr. Ahmed's ultrasound tutorials stand out for their meticulous attention to detail and practical approach. Dr. Ahmed emphasises hands-on learning, ensuring participants gain proficiency in scanning techniques and understanding the principles of ultrasonography. This allows accurate interpretation of ultrasound images and an enhancement in clinical practice.

Dr Hussein Ahmed
Anesthesia Consultant - UK & Australia
Supervisor of training at Mercy Hospital Vic Australia

Observing and working with Dr Ahmed Abdelwahab I found his running of ultrasound regional workshops in our hospital to be hugely beneficial to the anaesthetic trainees. Drawing on his considerable experience and qualifications in regional anaesthesia and combining that with a motivational, patient and well informed teaching style allowed very successful delivery of the regional workshop with excellent feedback from participants. He continuously demonstrates his expertise in this field to achieve excellent patient outcomes and satisfaction during his clinical work in anaesthesia and pain management.

Dr Abdulghafar Sharara
ICU Senior Registrar
Royal Melbourne Hospital

From the moment I started the tutorial, I was captivated by the clear and concise explanations provided. Ahmed has a remarkable ability to break down complex concepts of physics into easily digestible pieces of information, making it effortless to follow. Ahmed expertise in regional anaesthetic is evident. Overall, this tutorial exceeded all my expectations and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in this field.

Dr Manny Saka

Anesthesia Registrar - Victoria

Ahmed is an excellent teacher of ultrasound and regional anaesthesia. From our first sessions together, he was able to simplify how ultrasound works, common pitfalls of using the machine and how to best get an image on the screen. He made the physics seem simple and my ability to use the controls to improve my image is thanks to him. Ahmed is clearly very clever when it comes to regional anaesthesia and anatomy. During our sessions he taught me the key things to know when it comes to upper and lower limb anatomy for regional blocks, making it easier to identify the correct site. The few sessions I had with Ahmed accelerated my ability in delivering regional anaesthesia.

Stay updated on innovative therapeutic discoveries with our course:
Cell and Gene Therapy

العلاج بالخلايا والجينات

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 👇🏻 اضغط على الزر للاشتراك

Yasser Kehail

Industrial Biotechnologist

Eyad Qunaibi

Professor of Pharmacology

Rami Abumasmah

Hematologist &
  • Target
    Physicians, Pharmacists, Biotechnologists, and those interested in staying up-to-date with therapeutics.
  • Recorded
    7 hours
  • Assessment
  • British CPD Certificate
    Upon passing the exam

What participants say about this course?

Halima Said Elmahdy

Junior student, Bachelor's of Science in Biotechnology,
University of Houston USA

 I have learned so much over the course of two days for this course,
as well as days after when I revisited the content repeatedly.
Dr. Eyad's vision, explanation, and presentation was of utmost quality and precision.
The highly dense, yet highly informative learning content, was very helpful to me.
I am a Biotechnology student, and as much as I know a few topics of what was presented in the course,
I benefited greatly from the various instructors.
I recommend this course to any Biotechnology/STEM/Biology major
who is interested in learning the most recent and up-to-date therapies, research, and terminologies
that characterize the world of cell and gene therapy.
I dearly thank Dr. Eyad, Dr. Yasser, and Dr. Rami for the knowledge and experience
that they brought together for the benefit of interested students! 

Maher Badran A

Genetic Health Center Manager

 دورة رائعة للأمانة تغطي الجانب النظري والجانب العملي
وما يمكن عمله عندنا في الوطن العربي والعالم الإسلامي
أسلوب طرح المادة العلمية شيق جدا وعملي
قامات علمية نفاخر بها 

Mahmoud Zhra

Researcher | Lecturer
| Biotech Innovation │ Life Sciences Industry

شكرا لكم على هذه الدورة الممتعة والشيقة
لم نشعر بالملل ولو للحظة من الابداع في تقديم واختيار المواضيع
واختيار المقدمين من قامات نفتخر بها
مليئة بالمعلومات الثرية والمواكبة لأحدث التقنيات
وشاملة لكل ماتقدم به العلم  في هذا المجال

Lara Sarhan

Quality Director | Cord Blood & Tissue Bank |

Very informative and well prepared course,
it gives a basic understanding of what is stem cell therapy
and where this science has arrived.

Rania Masri

Lab manager at BabyCord Jordan

شكرا لكم على هذه الدورة الشيقة
تميزت بمحتوي غني بالمعلومات القيمة
فقد أضافت لي الكثير كما ساهمت بتنظيم
" Brain Library"

Mamoun Ahram


دورة مكثفة متميزة
تحتوي على الكثير من المعلومات المفيدة
والجهود للتحضير لها واضحة

Shahd Khalid

Bachelors of Pharmacy

تقدم الدورة مزيجًا ممتازًا من المحتوى الشامل والتعلم التفاعلي
تغطي المفاهيم الأساسية وأحدث التطورات بشكل فعال
مما يجعلها متاحة وجذابة لجميع المستويات
أوصي بها بشدة لأي شخص يرغب في تعميق فهمه لهذا المجال التحويلي

Ala'a Darwazeh

طالبة تحاليل طبية

كانت دورة جميلة جدااا ،شيقة ،ثرية بالمعلومات القيمة والمفيدة
كانت معلومات الدورة متسلسة، منظمة و مرتبة الأفكار
وهذا سهّل علي الفهم وربط بعض الأفكار والحمدلله
وهذا بفضل تمكن المحاضرين

Shahd Issa Ghazo

Clinical pharmacy - Germany

الدورة عبارة عن بوابة لدخول ومعرفة ما هو جديدة
وحتى لوضع اساس في عالم العلاج الجيني
المحاضرين على قدر عالي من التمكن
والمعلومات موضحة بشكل يتناسب مع كل الفئات
أصحاب الاختصاص وذوي المعرفة المحدودة في المجال
الالتزام بالوقت كان رهيبا ودقيقا  

Khalid Humaid

Clinical Biochemistry

The course offered a comprehensive overview of cell and gene therapy,
covering essential topics like gene editing technologies (CRISPR-Cas9) and stem cell therapy,
with practical applications highlighted through case studies.
A highly informative and well-organized course,
offering a solid foundation in cell and gene therapy.
With minor adjustments, it can be even more impactful.

.     .

شاهد الآن المادة المجانية من الدورة 👇🏻

Write your awesome label here.

Course Access

Why is this course important?
This course equips medical professionals and students with up-to-date knowledge on cell and gene therapy, in addition to tissue-engineered products, enhancing their ability to understand and apply innovative treatments for genetic, cancer, and immune disorders among others.
The course is packed with dense, cutting-edge information, making it both highly informative and engaging, ideal for those seeking to stay at the forefront of medical advancements.
Write your awesome label here.
— What's included

1. Dynamic Learning

7 hours interactive course with two experts

2. Extend Your Learning

Access Session Recordings for 12 Months

3. Comprehensive Resources

Receive a Handout of Key Information

4. Test Your Knowledge

 Take the Course Exam (20 MCQs) within 12 Months

5. Earn Accreditation

Obtain a British CPD Standards Office Certificate Upon Exam Success

6. Stay Current

Course Updates Reflecting Latest Discoveries until 2025

7. Stay Informed

Receive Email Notifications for Course Additions, In sha' Allah

Frequently asked questions

هل الدورة تفاعلية أم مسجلة؟ 

الدورة مسجلة ومتاحة للمشترك لمدة سنة إن شاء الله. 

ما اللغة المستخدمة في الدورة؟ 

خليط بين العربية والإنجليزية مع التركيز على ذكر المصطلحات بالإنجليزية.

كم ستبقى مادة الدورة متاحة لي بعد الاشتراك؟

تبقى التسجيلات متاحة لمدة 12 شهرا من يوم اشتراكك في الدورة.

متى يمكنني تقديم اختبار الدورة؟

يمكنك تقديمه في أي وقت حتى 3 أشهر من تاريخ الاشتراك.

هل الاختبار إلزامي؟

لا، الاختبار ليس إلزامياً ولكنه مطلوب للراغبين في الحصول على شهادة من الأكاديمية.

ما علامة النجاح في الاختبار؟

يتكون الاختبار من 20 سؤال اختيار من متعدد، وعلامة النجاح فيه 10 على الاقل

هل شهادة الأكاديمية معتمدة؟

شهادة الأكاديمية معتمدة من قبل الـ British CPD Standards Office.

Learning Outcomes

What will you learn in this course?

Analyze key success stories in cell and gene therapy advancements.

Explore the mechanisms and applications of different immunotherapies, including CAR-T cell therapy.

Develop a well-structured understanding of the relationship between overlapping modalities, including cell therapy, gene therapy, tissue-engineered products, and immunotherapy; including genetically modified and unmodified forms.

Understand the development, indications, and challenges of current gene therapies.

Evaluate various stem cell therapies and their clinical applications.

Assess manufacturing considerations and challenges in developing Cell and gene therapies.

Explore feasible opportunities for research in this field.

Prof. Eyad Qunaibi

Professore of Pharmacology
- B.Sc. in Pharmacy from Jordan University of Science & Technology, ranking the first with honor. 
- Ph.D. in Pharmacology from University of Houston, TX, USA.
- Ph.D. research in Uiversity of Texas, Health Science Center, Texax Medical Center.
- 20 Years-lecturing and research experience in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, & Pharmacokinetics.
- Two patents in wound healing.
- 20 publications with about 900 citations.
- Reviewer of the most popular Pharmacology book worldwide: Lippincott’s Pharmacology Reviews, 7th edition, 2019.
- Author of PharmMedTerm: Illustrated Terminology Guide for Pharmacy Students (with Arabic Explanation).

Yasser Kehail, MS

Industrial Biotechnologist
Yasser Kehail has over 15 years experience in industrial biotechnology, focused on commercialising, enabling and building bio-manufacturing infrastructure globally supporting different therapeutic modalities (Proteins, Mabs’, vaccines, and viral vectors). Currently he manages mRNA production (CDMO) business in USA, where he is expanding new mRNA-LNP service offerings. Yasser started his career at Biogen working in cell culture producing interferon beta and recombinant Factor VIII, then transitioned to Amgen, developing and manufacturing monoclonal antibodies. Then, worked for 8 years at Cytiva (formerly GE) managing the Bioreactor &Flexfactory portfolio. Yasser has a Masters in Bioprocessing from Northeastern University in Boston, and a bachelors from Jordan (JUST)

Rami Abumasmah, MD

Hematologist and medical oncologist
- Rami Abumasmah is a hematologist and medical oncologist at OSF Saint Anthony Hospital, ROCKFORD, IL, USA
- He worked as the formal program director of hematology oncology fellowship program at king Hussein Cancer Center in Amman, Jordan
-American and Jordanian board certified in internal medicine and medical oncology

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