Empower your practice now! Enroll in:
Orthopedic Essentials: Knowledge No GP Should Ignore

أساسيات أمراض العظام والمفاصل التي يجب ألا يجهلها أي طبيب عام

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  • Author
    Tareq Al-Tamimi
  • Target
    GPs and Interns
  • Recorded
    27 videos, 6 hours
  • Assessment
  • Certificate
    British CPD Certificate

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شاهد الآن هذه المادة المجانية من الدورة 👇🏻

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شاهد الآن هذه المادة المجانية من الدورة 👇🏻

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Choose your option

Sliver Course

Recorded Course
  • 27 Recordings 
  • Slides of the lectures
  • 6.0 hours total
  • Available for 12 months from enrolment
  • Exam (10 MCQs)
  • Certificate accredited by the British CPD

Golden Course 

Recorded Course + Exam + Certificate
  • 27 Recordings 
  • Slides of the lectures
  • 6.0 hours total
  • Available for 12 months from enrolment
  • Exam (10 MCQs)
  • Certificate accredited by the British CPD

Course Access

Why is this course important?
Several studies indicate a lack of knowledge about orthopedic diseases among medical students and graduates. For instance, a study from India found that “95% of the students failed to show basic musculoskeletal competency”!
Given the high frequency of healthcare visits for musculoskeletal conditions, it's crucial to enhance the orthopedic knowledge and skills of medical graduates and GPs. This is the objective of our course.
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Frequently asked questions

Can I preview the course before enrollment?

A: Yes, we offer two free sample videos that you can watch to get an idea of the course content and teaching style before enrolling. You can see the word "free" next to these samples. 

I am worried that I may not understand the lectures because my English isn't fluent

A: The lecturer mixes between English (especially the medical terms) and Arabic (to make it easier for understanding).

For how long can I access the course after I enroll? 

A: Once you enroll, you will have access to the course for 12 months. 

When can I have the exam?

A: Whenever you want after enrolment, up to 12 months.

Is the certificate accredited? 

A: Yes, it is accredited by British CPD Standards Office.

Course content

About the course

The course aims to provide medical interns and general practitioners with the basic knowledge and skills required to approach patients in general practice with application on common orthopedic medical complaints and illness . 

Targeted audience

General practitioners and interns .

What are the expected learning outcomes?

By the end of the course the participant should be able to

1. Distinguish and treat different types of low back pain.

2. Properly assess common pediatric orthopedic diseases.

3. Safely Apply DDH Brace.

4. Safely Apply an ordinary Cast.

5. Read x-ray for orthopedic related diseases.

— What's included

About the Exam and the Certificate


- Consists of 10 MCQ questions. 
- Passing gradde is 5/10


- The certificaate is granted upon passing the exam.
- Will be signed by MedOne Academy, Dr. Tareq Al-Tamimi.
- Upon passing the exam, send your full name, consisting of three parts, to info@medone.academy along with the name of the course, and the certificate will be sent to you within up to 7 days through e-mail in sha' Allah.
- The certificate is accredited by British CPD

Tareq .N. Altamimi, MD

Orthopedic consultant.
*Jordanian board of Orthopaedic 2008
* Certificate of higher specialisation in Orthopaedic (Jordan University Hospital) 2008 .
*Fellowship certificate in hip reconstruction (schulthess institute/Zurich -Switzerland 2010.
*Master courses in sport orthopedic medicine.
* AO Trauma foundation lecturer which is the world’s largest global trauma and orthopedic community fostering excellence in the surgical management of trauma and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.2017-2020
*Founder and main director of ( The National Program for education and guidance of newly graduated doctors .. HAKEEM) which provides hundreds of interacting lectures seminars and workshops through the famous program named ((How to Manage a GP Clinic)) since 2012.
Ex-chairman of scientific committee in Jordan Medical Association.2017-2019
General secretary of Jordan Medical Association 2022 till now.